I had a really bad night last night. REALLY BAD. Anyway, my Mamie and my Gramp were two of the most magical powerful people in my life. They still are, even though they have passed away. I feel my Mamies spirit with me VERY strong, all the time. Maybe Iapos;m carrying it, I donapos;t know...but onto the dream.
I could barely sleep last night, I was so stressed and upset. I finally fell asleep and in my dream I was walking down a dirt road holding my Mamies hand, she was on the left and holding my Grampies hand, he was on the right. There was a bunch of wind turbines on the field to the left. We were just walking hand in hand and Grampie knew I was upset so he offered me some of his pain medication. This was the medication they gave him when he was dying of cancer. Mamie said, *Now why would you want to take that?* As he was giving me one his bottle spilled and I was helping him pick it up. As I was I took an extra one and put it in my pocket. I felt so guilty that I was stealing my Grampies medication:C I knew he knew but he didnapos;t say anything...after that I woke up.
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