My appologies for my new status as the party pooper. Ah. Fucken Anti-Depressants, you seriously cannot tell me I pay like $200 a month to feel like THIS.
Ok so today went not so bad, I actually ate twice which is an improvement, went to meet a friend to study for a midterm at Starbucks, saw someone eating a bagel and fel this UNBELIEVABLE, OVERWHELMING urge to purge. RIght there, even if everyone was watching. WTF isup with that. Didnapos;t tho even when my friend went to go get her cell phone, but that will be the last time I eat McDs for a while me thinks.
Oh friend suggested I come to her housewarming party this friday. Totally would be up for it except I hate the smell, taste, texture EVERYTHING about alchohol around Halloween.�Iapos;ll spare you the details but someone thought it would be fun to sleep with Little Red Riding Hood (ironically the last time I wore this costume was when I was three (its just kinda of a hood and yes now a little small)) but forgot to ask Little Red Riding Hood if she was up for it. Yes I was drunk plz donapos;t judge it wonapos;t go over well. I promise.
Came home ate (Yes again), even posted a video that I had on my puter forever but hadnapos;t put words to yet. Hmmm debating whether or not I should post it too,� um no I think I myself am down enough for this entry. Hehehe.�Awesome song tho. Ppl who write just about love and joy and hope irritate me.�Believe me I see a place for those songs and I am probably the most avid supporter of them youapos;ll ever know, but there is a place for the songs that take anger, hurt, despair and fear and put sound to it as well.
Went to go weigh myself (w/clothes on and everything) dropped like 3 lbs (bout a kilo and a half in the last two days) gulp. Somone is in for shit this week on Wed b/c I have no inteniton of putting it back on.
Want to start swimming again this week. Thinking about starting to ride again too (just on the flat)- the head instructor got fired and a new more qualified one took her place so I may actually be able to learn something (which is one of the reasons I�stopped-couldnapos;t go any higher in dressage/on the flat with the one that was there before).Plus she was a bitch. Screamed at me when I couldnapos;t do what she wanted me to on the only horse I canapos;t get along with . No joke the kids in the other side of the arena were shaking. Wasnapos;t really anything knew to me. I just got off left the horse for her to take care of, told her that if she thought she could do it better she was more then welcome to, I was out of here.
Back to sleep.
Bye lovelies.
Take care.
erin brownlee, cat heat symptoms, cat heat transfer, cat heated bed.

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