Thanks yapos;all for the tv/manga recommendations Well it looks like Iapos;ll definitely be checking out One Piece, since peopleapos;s reactions to it varied from fangirlish tl;dr to simply shouting the title in CAPSLOCK. :)
Also I am probably the last person on the internet to have seen these, but I finally got around to watching Avatar and Naruto the Abridged Series. And OMG so many lolz. XD On the Avatar side we have whiny-ass Zuko, inexplicably Jewish Iroh, dorky lovebird Aang, Spanish GAY Haru, and KUNG FU ACTION JESUS Also I appreciated that when spoofing Aangapos;s character they didnapos;t go the extremistZutarian route and make him into a whiny immature baby.
And on the Naruto side we have Gaara of the Funk Pupil-less Ino Flashback mockery Sasuke versus THE LOG ("Dammit Why do I keep mistaking logs for people?") Naruto wondering what time period the story is set in (Yeah seriously, inquiring minds wanna know.) Aaand a lot of jokes at Sakuraapos;s expense, but honestly perhaps the only sane response to Sakuraapos;s godawful Part 1 characterization is to laugh at it. D:
PS: Aang: Who are you?
Katara: Iapos;m Ka-
Aang: Pussy Galore, you say? I must be in heaven
Katara: You will be in a second
applewood acres school, bes candy louis shop st sweet, bes candy louis st sweet, bes candy shop sweet.

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