So, Iapos;ve waited months for this weekend - the weekend where I�will spend my days off supporting my friends as they rise money for kids with cancer - and then this morning I�find out it may not happen. So Iapos;m kind of down all day, somehow still having hope things will align correctly by this afternoon. And they do. So weapos;re all good. Save for my crazy Calculus homework. I donapos;t know what it is with me and word problems, but I just do not understand them. @_@ I guess itapos;s because itapos;s combining the two most opposite things in the world - math and English. Haha.
So anyway, early (ish) post today because Iapos;m heading over to Irisapos; house in about an hour and I donapos;t know when Iapos;ll have internet access again. Until then, I�shall, as I am every time I�want to go somewhere, be slaving away at my parentapos;s delight until my salvation arrives for me. Also still need to pack the PS2 and DDR mats...
Hereapos;s to tomorrowapos;s epicness
doug cooney, doug copp, doug copp american rescue team international.

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