Breakfast went really well Sunday morning. Iapos;m beginning to learn the names of the countermen at Broadway Diner. One of them -- Tony -- patted me on the shoulder as I walked in with a hearty, "How are you, my friend?" and I realized, almost immediately, how "touch deprived" Iapos;ve become since getting kicked out of Coco.
Itapos;s a sad thing when the countermen at Broadway Diner become your sole source of hugs and pats on the shoulder.
It also began to dawn on me that the countermen and probably the owners as well are Greek, not eastern European. Itapos;s a sad thing when a native New Yorker canapos;t tell a Greek from a Polish accent. But, if you ever saw Tony in person you might pardon my mistake. With his snowy white hair and kindly visage, he is the spitting image of the late Pope.
Speaking of Southern Europe, this was Columbus Day weekend in New York City. A lot of people would have Monday off, including public school students.
The effect upon St. Michaelapos;s was that almost all the Sunday School parents were gone for the weekend. Morning Mass looked very much like St. Michaelapos;s as I found it nearly fifteen years ago: a small congregation made up almost entirely of senior citizens and gay men.
I sat way in the back, trying to fill in the center rows, along with Paradise Lost. As we sat, listening to the Prelude, I noticed a pumpkin colored insert to the Order of Worship. The subject, in big 18 pt. Font, shouted "Faith Politics". Underneath, in more normal sized text was the title of a talk by one of our former seminarians, "The Politics of Marriage: Same Sex, Opposite Sex, No Sex?". Paradise and I looked at each other and nodded our heads.
The talk was listed for later that morning.
The Rector gave the sermon. Much of it was based on the Gospel reading, another parable from Matthew, this one involving the wedding banquet given by a king where none of the invited guests came and he retaliated by laying waste to their city.
This same king rescheduled the banquet, and instructed his slaves to go out and invite brand new guests. One poor miscreant who arrived at the banquet without proper wedding clothing was bound hand and foot and thrown into the outer darkness "where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. For many are called, but few are chosen." Matthew 22:1-14
The Rector said, that we have our own set of robes, not just for weddings but, suitable for worship. Our robes are the attitudes we bring with us.
Coffee Hour went quickly because the talk would begin almost immediately after Mass. Paradise and I had about ten minutes to sample that morningapos;s coffee. Paradise took a sip and pronounced it good. Clifton joined us and we all brought our cups of St. Michaelapos;s Blend to the Gray Lounge.
Along the way, Emily thrust a bag full fo cds into my hand. Iapos;d quite forgotten that we had discussed Tyler Perry movies the Sunday before. She burned copies of all of them and gave them to me.
Now, I really feel bad about missing Saturday Kitchen.
By the time, Paradise Lost, Clifton and I made it to the Gray Loundge it was practically full. Practically every gay man whoapos;d made it to Mass that morning stayed afterwardhear Our Seminarian give his talk.
applewoman, applewood, applewood 8.

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