Tee Minus Three Three Two or Tessie

I did not dye my hair again - thatapos;s just the sunlight.
Funny story about this shirt - Iapos;m a Red Sox fan, but not so much that I have a Red Sox t-shirt. Of course, theyapos;re in the playoffs right now, so Sox paraphernalia is ubiquitous in New England at the moment. Last night, Marika and I went to a Fancy Meat Party (donapos;t ask) and then wound up back at the shop after hours. We ended up falling asleep and, by the time we woke up this morning, it was too late for me to drive home to change my t-shirt in time to get back and open the shop. Instead, I just slapped on some fresh deodorant and bought this shirt at the local supermarket.
So, now I have a Sox t-shirt and theyapos;re playing to avoid elimination in the ALCS tonight, so I expect a shop full of people watching the game and Iapos;ll be sporting my spiffy new shirt. Go, Red Sox
In other news, I scored tickets to see Franz Ferdinand on December 6 in Boston. Woo-hoo. I hope this goes better than the Fratellis concert a couple weeks ago.
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