понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

browse file c

  • � our little bundle of joy is a boy :) will be referred to as baby aden from now on.
  • � school is back in session for this future�CMA
  • ��new car, new car, oh by the way, did I�mention Tanner got me a new car

Well, the biggest deal for me right now is of course,�sweet little baby aden, who has learned the art of kicking �maybe even some cartwheels.. Lol. During the ultrasound he was pushing himself off the side of my uterus like he was taking a dip in a swimming pool.� Ha, he yawned at us, must be nice to have such a relaxing Tuesday afternoon. I was just happy to be done with that ultrasound tech, after an hour of hearing ten thousand of her exciting personal stories and then her calling my sons little stuff a turtle, it was definitely time to go. He is due on February 16, 2009 by the way, and I�will probably be experiencing the labor deal in Enterprise instead of Augusta.

I want to go buy a whole bunch of baby stuff, I�could look at baby stuff for hours, I wonder where all of these geniuses who came up with all the new "hip" things were at when I�was a kid..

School is going pretty good, my next set of classes will not be starting at eight in the morning tho, itapos;s getting old really quick. Something really exciting though, I aced my first two AP tests~�yay for me�:)

I absolutely love my Mazda 3. It drives so much better than my old car, of course. And I now have turn signals AND�air-conditioning/heat

Cold Weather is here finally�Iapos;m just ready for it to make up its mind and stop getting so freakin hot mid-day.��Between that amp; my newfound closterphobia in WalMart, pregnancy is really hindering me.

Work is okay, I think Hostessing is a waste of time, but it will do until I�have the baby.. Being a server is so much more rewarding.� Iapos;m just so tired of working closing shifts.� Hopefully theyapos;ll lay off for a little while.

I miss Tanner.��We have such messed up schedules right now, we never get to do anything together.� Iapos;m sure that it isnapos;t going to get any better when Baby Aden gets here either..

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