ok itapos;s time to go to bed...I am so tired...I mean I didnapos;t really do anything all day...I chatted with my friend...ok this is really good news...ok this friend and I weapos;ve been through our problems, she did things to me, I did things back...we fought...
well we became friends again not as close as we were though because we used to be best friends, but yeah we kinda grew apart and she got new best friends...so anyway we werenapos;t as close...I regreted not having that close friendship with her because she really is a nice girl but I had done things to ruin that friendship, and I didnapos;t really trust her at first...but these past few days weapos;ve been talking and weapos;ve gotten a lot closer...anyway yesterday I told her boyfriend that I did miss that closeness, and he had talked to her about that and she called me today and she said that she also missed our closeness...she said that she wanted to be close again, best friends...so yeah weapos;re best friends again...well at least weapos;re working on it LOL...but yeah I am like so happy coz my other best friend hasnapos;t really been the listening type, she can talk your ear off but when it comes to listening sheapos;s not really there, plus Iapos;ve learned to not really depend on her for much...and my hubs doesnapos;t like her...coz her attitude and some of the things she does...so yeah I really need a person to be a good influence in my life...and right now itapos;s my other friend...so yeah itapos;s really cool I mean we can only be long distance BFFs but yeah so we canapos;t hang out all the time like we used to which sucks but hey...we can talk, share advice, bitch, gab, etc...so yeah thatapos;s a good thing coz I donapos;t get a whole lot of that where Iapos;m at...so now I have to find someone to hang out with...and not just someone who thinks my babyapos;s cute...LOL so yeah anyway I have a real best friend again...this is a good day...
well I have to go for now...going to bed now
well we became friends again not as close as we were though because we used to be best friends, but yeah we kinda grew apart and she got new best friends...so anyway we werenapos;t as close...I regreted not having that close friendship with her because she really is a nice girl but I had done things to ruin that friendship, and I didnapos;t really trust her at first...but these past few days weapos;ve been talking and weapos;ve gotten a lot closer...anyway yesterday I told her boyfriend that I did miss that closeness, and he had talked to her about that and she called me today and she said that she also missed our closeness...she said that she wanted to be close again, best friends...so yeah weapos;re best friends again...well at least weapos;re working on it LOL...but yeah I am like so happy coz my other best friend hasnapos;t really been the listening type, she can talk your ear off but when it comes to listening sheapos;s not really there, plus Iapos;ve learned to not really depend on her for much...and my hubs doesnapos;t like her...coz her attitude and some of the things she does...so yeah I really need a person to be a good influence in my life...and right now itapos;s my other friend...so yeah itapos;s really cool I mean we can only be long distance BFFs but yeah so we canapos;t hang out all the time like we used to which sucks but hey...we can talk, share advice, bitch, gab, etc...so yeah thatapos;s a good thing coz I donapos;t get a whole lot of that where Iapos;m at...so now I have to find someone to hang out with...and not just someone who thinks my babyapos;s cute...LOL so yeah anyway I have a real best friend again...this is a good day...
well I have to go for now...going to bed now
cat heaviest world, eastland cinemas, eastland cinema ringwood, eastland cinema.

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