�There are two people in the world I keep losing to in scrabble, without even a fight because they take an early lead and I never ever catch up.
One is Seline. The other is Puisan. And I only ever beat either if they run out of time on isc. T___T
I mean, even Haiwei is beatable if his magic stems donapos;t work. And if you get in three bingoes before him. And itapos;s always fightable. Not non-fightable. Like trying to overcome an invisible force. Lol. X)
� I guess I really have to buck up and start learning three letter word lists (I quail at their weirdo vocabulary. She put olearia yesterday just cos it looked like a word, and it actually existed. Why donapos;t I ever get these weirdo apos;looks like a wordapos; sparks of inspiration?�DD:�)
� Shugo Chara...
� Feel quite sad for it. I loved the manga alot. Then when the anime came, I thought it would be good.
� The graphics are okay. They just donapos;t have that feel that touched my heart when I read the manga. For one thing - Amu looks alot skinnier and uglier. And can they cut it with the annoying tedious gags already Itapos;s no longer funny. D: As in, itapos;s fine if you slip one or two into an episode, but itapos;s almost like every episode is becoming based on those gags alone (Amu crushing on Tadase. Rimaapos;s Bala-balance. Yayaapos;s stupidity... You know.)� Where is the plot? Itapos;s barely moving forward.
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