понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

float pump switch up

Iapos;m running out of options, leaving me with nothing at all. One by one, theyapos;re all ascending. Was this already predetermined?

Everything happens for a reason, right? I guess this is my fate, destroying and creating worlds while sacrificing my all for the future of others. This dark and sinful world is getting from bad to worse. And very few are noticing this. Iapos;m no savior but Iapos;ll do my part in reconstructing this world, starting with the people. Theyapos;re search for security in this tragedy will come to an end. However by doing so, Iapos;ve noticed a symptom surfacing.

My remnant of humanity and sanity is slowly disappearing.
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  • � our little bundle of joy is a boy :) will be referred to as baby aden from now on.
  • � school is back in session for this future�CMA
  • ��new car, new car, oh by the way, did I�mention Tanner got me a new car

Well, the biggest deal for me right now is of course,�sweet little baby aden, who has learned the art of kicking �maybe even some cartwheels.. Lol. During the ultrasound he was pushing himself off the side of my uterus like he was taking a dip in a swimming pool.� Ha, he yawned at us, must be nice to have such a relaxing Tuesday afternoon. I was just happy to be done with that ultrasound tech, after an hour of hearing ten thousand of her exciting personal stories and then her calling my sons little stuff a turtle, it was definitely time to go. He is due on February 16, 2009 by the way, and I�will probably be experiencing the labor deal in Enterprise instead of Augusta.

I want to go buy a whole bunch of baby stuff, I�could look at baby stuff for hours, I wonder where all of these geniuses who came up with all the new "hip" things were at when I�was a kid..

School is going pretty good, my next set of classes will not be starting at eight in the morning tho, itapos;s getting old really quick. Something really exciting though, I aced my first two AP tests~�yay for me�:)

I absolutely love my Mazda 3. It drives so much better than my old car, of course. And I now have turn signals AND�air-conditioning/heat

Cold Weather is here finally�Iapos;m just ready for it to make up its mind and stop getting so freakin hot mid-day.��Between that amp; my newfound closterphobia in WalMart, pregnancy is really hindering me.

Work is okay, I think Hostessing is a waste of time, but it will do until I�have the baby.. Being a server is so much more rewarding.� Iapos;m just so tired of working closing shifts.� Hopefully theyapos;ll lay off for a little while.

I miss Tanner.��We have such messed up schedules right now, we never get to do anything together.� Iapos;m sure that it isnapos;t going to get any better when Baby Aden gets here either..

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ok itapos;s time to go to bed...I am so tired...I mean I didnapos;t really do anything all day...I chatted with my friend...ok this is really good news...ok this friend and I weapos;ve been through our problems, she did things to me, I did things back...we fought...
well we became friends again not as close as we were though because we used to be best friends, but yeah we kinda grew apart and she got new best friends...so anyway we werenapos;t as close...I regreted not having that close friendship with her because she really is a nice girl but I had done things to ruin that friendship, and I didnapos;t really trust her at first...but these past few days weapos;ve been talking and weapos;ve gotten a lot closer...anyway yesterday I told her boyfriend that I did miss that closeness, and he had talked to her about that and she called me today and she said that she also missed our closeness...she said that she wanted to be close again, best friends...so yeah weapos;re best friends again...well at least weapos;re working on it LOL...but yeah I am like so happy coz my other best friend hasnapos;t really been the listening type, she can talk your ear off but when it comes to listening sheapos;s not really there, plus Iapos;ve learned to not really depend on her for much...and my hubs doesnapos;t like her...coz her attitude and some of the things she does...so yeah I really need a person to be a good influence in my life...and right now itapos;s my other friend...so yeah itapos;s really cool I mean we can only be long distance BFFs but yeah so we canapos;t hang out all the time like we used to which sucks but hey...we can talk, share advice, bitch, gab, etc...so yeah thatapos;s a good thing coz I donapos;t get a whole lot of that where Iapos;m at...so now I have to find someone to hang out with...and not just someone who thinks my babyapos;s cute...LOL so yeah anyway I have a real best friend again...this is a good day...

well I have to go for now...going to bed now

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

cat heat symptoms

My appologies for my new status as the party pooper. Ah. Fucken Anti-Depressants, you seriously cannot tell me I pay like $200 a month to feel like THIS.

Ok so today went not so bad, I actually ate twice which is an improvement, went to meet a friend to study for a midterm at Starbucks, saw someone eating a bagel and fel this UNBELIEVABLE, OVERWHELMING urge to purge. RIght there, even if everyone was watching. WTF isup with that. Didnapos;t tho even when my friend went to go get her cell phone, but that will be the last time I eat McDs for a while me thinks.

Oh friend suggested I come to her housewarming party this friday. Totally would be up for it except I hate the smell, taste, texture EVERYTHING about alchohol around Halloween.�Iapos;ll spare you the details but someone thought it would be fun to sleep with Little Red Riding Hood (ironically the last time I wore this costume was when I was three (its just kinda of a hood and yes now a little small)) but forgot to ask Little Red Riding Hood if she was up for it. Yes I was drunk plz donapos;t judge it wonapos;t go over well. I promise.

Came home ate (Yes again), even posted a video that I had on my puter forever but hadnapos;t put words to yet. Hmmm debating whether or not I should post it too,� um no I think I myself am down enough for this entry. Hehehe.�Awesome song tho. Ppl who write just about love and joy and hope irritate me.�Believe me I see a place for those songs and I am probably the most avid supporter of them youapos;ll ever know, but there is a place for the songs that take anger, hurt, despair and fear and put sound to it as well.

Went to go weigh myself (w/clothes on and everything) dropped like 3 lbs (bout a kilo and a half in the last two days) gulp. Somone is in for shit this week on Wed b/c I have no inteniton of putting it back on.

Want to start swimming again this week. Thinking about starting to ride again too (just on the flat)- the head instructor got fired and a new more qualified one took her place so I may actually be able to learn something (which is one of the reasons I�stopped-couldnapos;t go any higher in dressage/on the flat with the one that was there before).Plus she was a bitch. Screamed at me when I couldnapos;t do what she wanted me to on the only horse I canapos;t get along with . No joke the kids in the other side of the arena were shaking. Wasnapos;t really anything knew to me. I just got off left the horse for her to take care of, told her that if she thought she could do it better she was more then welcome to, I was out of here.

Back to sleep.
Bye lovelies.
Take care.

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bargaining gillett

Itapos;s 6.30 in the morning. And what Iapos;ve got here:

1. Studying Written Discourse. Shit, I wish Iapos;m dead before tomorrow ends. My brain is not taking anything that I read... Because;
2. I am gossiping with Eunice about guys. How "miang", huh?
3. Limewire just finished downloading Traffic by Tiesto, and Iapos;m listening to it now.

Combination like this is weird. �

Am also currently loving James (Morrison).

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

don t pollute

"Heaven would be, for me, a comfortable overstuffed chair in some far corner of a library. The chair would have my name on it, tastefully inscribed on a small bronze plaque. Beside the chair would be a coffee-maker and a couple of vending machines. And because an occasional puff of tobacco clears the head wonderfully when one come in the middle of a paragraph, as Dante puts it, to apos;a dark wood where the straight way was lost,apos; I would require an ashtray. I would have, as well, a sunny window, a gout stool, and a silent assistant who brought, at the snap of a finger, great literary works, who quietly placed them at my elbow, and who silently flitted away. The chair would be mine, all mine, and the resulting wisdom in my head would belong to the ages."
Suzanne Britt
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erin brown cnn

I had a really bad night last night. REALLY BAD. Anyway, my Mamie and my Gramp were two of the most magical powerful people in my life. They still are, even though they have passed away. I feel my Mamies spirit with me VERY strong, all the time. Maybe Iapos;m carrying it, I donapos;t know...but onto the dream.

I could barely sleep last night, I was so stressed and upset. I finally fell asleep and in my dream I was walking down a dirt road holding my Mamies hand, she was on the left and holding my Grampies hand, he was on the right. There was a bunch of wind turbines on the field to the left. We were just walking hand in hand and Grampie knew I was upset so he offered me some of his pain medication. This was the medication they gave him when he was dying of cancer. Mamie said, *Now why would you want to take that?* As he was giving me one his bottle spilled and I was helping him pick it up. As I was I took an extra one and put it in my pocket. I felt so guilty that I was stealing my Grampies medication:C I knew he knew but he didnapos;t say anything...after that I woke up.

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Tee Minus Three Three Two or Tessie

I did not dye my hair again - thatapos;s just the sunlight.

Funny story about this shirt - Iapos;m a Red Sox fan, but not so much that I have a Red Sox t-shirt. Of course, theyapos;re in the playoffs right now, so Sox paraphernalia is ubiquitous in New England at the moment. Last night, Marika and I went to a Fancy Meat Party (donapos;t ask) and then wound up back at the shop after hours. We ended up falling asleep and, by the time we woke up this morning, it was too late for me to drive home to change my t-shirt in time to get back and open the shop. Instead, I just slapped on some fresh deodorant and bought this shirt at the local supermarket.

So, now I have a Sox t-shirt and theyapos;re playing to avoid elimination in the ALCS tonight, so I expect a shop full of people watching the game and Iapos;ll be sporting my spiffy new shirt. Go, Red Sox

In other news, I scored tickets to see Franz Ferdinand on December 6 in Boston. Woo-hoo. I hope this goes better than the Fratellis concert a couple weeks ago.

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doug cooney

So, Iapos;ve waited months for this weekend - the weekend where I�will spend my days off supporting my friends as they rise money for kids with cancer - and then this morning I�find out it may not happen. So Iapos;m kind of down all day, somehow still having hope things will align correctly by this afternoon. And they do. So weapos;re all good. Save for my crazy Calculus homework. I donapos;t know what it is with me and word problems, but I just do not understand them. @_@ I guess itapos;s because itapos;s combining the two most opposite things in the world - math and English. Haha.
So anyway, early (ish) post today because Iapos;m heading over to Irisapos; house in about an hour and I donapos;t know when Iapos;ll have internet access again. Until then, I�shall, as I am every time I�want to go somewhere, be slaving away at my parentapos;s delight until my salvation arrives for me. Also still need to pack the PS2 and DDR mats...

Hereapos;s to tomorrowapos;s epicness

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